李巍和他的铜佛像 |
添加时间:2017/9/2 8:22:02 浏览次数: |
李巍先生耗费45年之心血,精心收集收藏的元明清金铜佛像展,在杭州的浙江美术馆举行。李巍先生知道我这几天在国内出差,于是给我发了一个邀请。8月18日那一天,我赶到杭州参加了这一佛像展的开幕式。 Mr. Li wei spent 45 years collecting and collecting the gold and bronze Buddha statue exhibition at the zhejiang art museum in hangzhou. Mr. Li wei knew that I was traveling in China these days and sent me an invitation. On August 18, I got to hangzhou to attend the opening ceremony of this exhibition of Buddha statue. 与李巍先生相识是在5年前,中央电视台四套国际频道《国宝档案》栏目播出了介绍李巍先生耗尽家财精心收藏元明清金铜佛像的故事,看了以后很受感动,感动的原因,是因为李巍先生不是把这些佛像倒腾着卖钱发财,而是一尊一尊地收藏起来,期望有朝一日能够建一个“中国佛像博物馆”。 Met with Mr Li Wei is five years ago, four sets of CCTV international channels "national archives" introduced Mr Li Wei drained carefully collected sui gold copper Buddha story, see the later very touched, moved, because the Buddha drummed up the money to Mr Li Wei not rich, but a statue of a statue of collection, hope one day to build a "museum of the Chinese figure of Buddha". 在一个讲究财富的社会里,还有人如此虔诚地收藏佛像,这让我产生了想见一见他的念头。 In a society that is rich in wealth, there are people who are so pious in collecting the Buddha that I have a desire to see him. 在中央电视台的一位编导的介绍下,我在北京见到了李巍先生。初次见他,我是偷偷一乐,因为李巍先生没有一根头发,似乎天生就是一位随同佛缘的人。不过,在他的办公室看到一幅当年他身穿军装,陪同胡耀邦视察部队的照片,才知道,他当过26年的兵,曾是一名副师级军官。 I met Mr. Li wei in Beijing on CCTV's introduction. Seeing him for the first time, I was secretly happy, because Mr. Li wei didn't have a single hair, and seemed to be born to follow the buddhas. In his office, however, he saw a photograph of him wearing a military uniform and accompanying hu yaobang inspecting the troops, only to know that he had been a soldier for 26 years and had been a deputy master officer. 李巍先生 Mr Li Wei 李巍先生打开了他的一个小展示厅,向我一一介绍每一尊佛像背后的故事。 Mr. Li wei opened one of his small exhibition halls and explained to me the story behind each Buddha statue. 李巍先生是一个地道的北方人,长期当兵是在青海和甘肃,甘青地区是藏传佛教十分盛行的地区,尊奉班禅大师。文革时,内地大多数寺院均遭到冲击,而甘青牧区少有红卫兵涉足,因此大部分的寺院与佛像得到了不错的保护。 Mr. Li wei is a native of north China. He has long been a soldier in qinghai and gansu. The area of gan qing is very popular in Tibetan Buddhism, and he is a master of panchen. During the cultural revolution, most of the temples in the mainland were hit, and few red guards were involved in the area, so most of the monasteries and buddhist statues were well protected. 拿相机的是当年的李巍先生 The camera is Mr. Li wei 1971年,李巍在一支测绘部队里担任新闻干事。有一次部队去青海执行任务,李巍借住在一户牧民家中。看到这户牧民家里穷得啥都没有,6岁的孩子在零下20度的严冬还没有衣服穿,于是把自己携带的毛背心和尼龙袜子送给孩子穿。临走时,孩子的母亲塞给他一个布包的东西,请他一定收下。在返回部队的路上,他打开那一个布包,发现是一尊小小的铜佛像。他有些惊呆,因为那时佛像属于必须清除的“四旧”。但是,李巍太喜欢这一尊造型极为优美的铜佛像,于是偷偷地把它收藏了起来。这一尊小佛像点燃了他收藏佛像的热情。从此,他开始了在甘青地区的佛像搜集和收藏。 In 1971, li wei worked as a news officer in a surveying and mapping force. Once the troops went to qinghai to carry out a mission, li wei borrowed from a herdsmen's family. Seeing that the herdsman's family was so poor, the 6-year-old had no clothes on in the 20-degree winter, so he brought his own vest and nylon socks to the child. When he left, the child's mother gave him something to pack, so he must accept it. On his way back to the army, he opened the cloth bag and found it was a small bronze Buddha statue. He was a bit stunned because the Buddha was then part of the "four old" that had to be cleared. Li wei, however, loved the beautiful bronze Buddha statue and secretly collected it. This small statue of Buddha lit up his enthusiasm to collect Buddha statues. From then on, he began to collect and collect Buddha statues in the gansu area. 1991年,李巍离开部队转业,兜里揣了8000多元转业费,把自己的全身心投入到了金铜佛像的收集上,在藏区,遭遇过车祸,遭遇过藏獒的袭击,他总觉得冥冥之中有一种力量在保护着他。为了收藏这些佛像,李巍在同为军人出身的妻子的坚定支持下,变卖了不少的家财,甚至连续三年一家人席地而卧。同时还通过办砚台工场和酿酒厂来筹集资金,一直坚持到了现在,总共收藏的元明清金铜佛像多达1000余件。 Li Wei leave hardwork in 1991, his shirt pocket the 8000 multivariate gathers fee, their own dedicated to the collection of gold Buddha, in Tibetan areas, encountered a car accident, encountered the Tibetan mastiff attacks, he always felt that culminate in a kind of power to protect him. In order to collect the Buddha statues, li wei sold a lot of money and even lay down for three years in a row, with the firm support of his wife, a soldier. At the same time, it has also collected funds by running inkstone workshops and distilleries, and has been sticking to the present, with more than 1,000 bronze Buddha statues collected in the yuan Ming and qing dynasty. 我对于金铜佛像是一窍不通,只是看热闹而已。 I don't know anything about the bronze Buddha statue, but I just watch the excitement. 回到东京后,我上网查了李巍先生的资料,发现在2009年,他向国家博物馆捐赠过22件金铜佛像。报道说,李巍捐赠给国家博物馆的22尊金铜佛像,专家们估价约三亿多元人民币。这批堪称国宝级的文物,是国家博物馆吕章申馆长亲自带队并组织国家顶级鉴定班子,从李巍收藏的上千尊佛像中精选出来的。其中,明朝永乐、宣德年间的几尊宫廷珍品,几百年来未曾面世,既是李巍金铜佛像藏品中的拔萃之宝,也是明清金铜佛像工艺的封顶标志。 Back in Tokyo, I checked on Mr. Li wei's information and found that in 2009, he donated 22 gold bronze Buddha statues to the national museum. According to the report, li wei donated 22 gold bronze Buddha statues to the national museum, which is valued at about 300 million yuan. The national museum of the national museum of China, the curator of the national museum, was selected from the collection of thousands of statues from li wei. Among them, the Ming dynasty yongle and xuande emperor palace treasures, for hundreds of years have not come out, as well as Li Wei gold copper Buddha collection the highlights of the treasure, is the Ming and qing dynasties gold copper Buddha technology top marks. 古代造像专家、国家鉴定委员会委员步连生先生与中国历史博物馆佛像研究专家孙国璋教授 Professor sun guozhang, an expert in ancient construction, a member of the national identification commission, and a buddhist expert in the history museum of China 故宫博物院金铜佛像鉴定专家王家鹏先生 Mr. Wang jiapeng, expert of the imperial Palace Museum of bronze Buddha statue 随后,在国家出版总署、故宫博物院、国家博物馆、中国藏学研究中心的支持下,故宫博物院佛教文物专家王家鹏研究员、中国人民大学佛教研究中心主任沈卫荣教授,会同国家文物鉴定委员会步连生研究员、国家博物馆孙国璋研究员、中央美术学院金维诺教授等诸多专家学者,从李巍藏品中精选出99尊佛像,逐一研究考证,制作彩色图录,前后耗时达7年之久,编写成了一本《汉藏交融——金铜佛像集萃》。 Then, in the state general administration, the national Palace Museum, national museum, China tibetology research center under the support of the national Palace Museum buddhist relics experts Wang Gupeng researcher, renmin university of China research center director professor wei-rong shen, together with the cultural relic identification committee of the national step even researcher, researcher at the national museum Sun Guozhang Jin Weinuo, central academy of fine arts professor, and many other experts and scholars, from Li Wei collection selects 99 statue of Buddha, one by one, the textual research, the production of color huang, takes up to 7 years, before and after writing became a "sino-tibetan blend - gold copper Buddha roundup". 这部巨著,由文化巨儒季羡林先生题写“为中华文化增辉”祝辞,远在香港的文化大师饶宗颐先生补题了“汉藏交融”的祝辞。冯其庸先生先题写了“雪域瑰宝,史苑金证”。而故宫博物院郑欣淼院长、国家博物馆吕章申馆长、中国藏学研究中心拉巴平措总干事等名家也都题跋作序,对于李巍先生收藏的这一些金铜佛像予以了极高的评价。 This masterpiece, written by the cultural giant ji xianlin in the inscription "for the enhancement of Chinese culture", is a toast to the cultural master of Hong Kong, Mr. Rao zongyi. Mr. Feng wrote "snow domain gem, shi yuan gold certificate". And the national Palace Museum presidents, lu ZhangShen national museum curator zheng xinmiao, China tibetology research center LaBaPingCuo director-general famous inscription as a sequence, such as for some that Mr Li Wei collection of gold copper Buddha to the extremely high appraisal. 如此众多元明清宫廷御制金铜佛像的出现,也惊动了欧美的考古学界。美国大都会艺术博物馆古代金属检测专家皮特梅尔斯在2年内3次来到北京,对李巍收藏的29件金铜佛像进行了钻孔取样,然后送往美德等6个世界顶级的实验室去进行检查对比,还调出了英国大英博物馆收藏的一件稀罕的明朝永乐年间铸造的金铜佛像进行成分和配方对比,发现这29尊佛像均为明朝永乐年间所铸的朝廷贡品。梅尔斯先生为每一件金铜佛像写了检测报告书,并写下了这么一句话:“这是当今世界上最为精美和珍贵的金铜佛像,能够留存在中国,实在万幸!” The emergence of such a large number of imperial bronze statues of the imperial court has alarmed the archeological community in Europe and the United States. The metropolitan museum of art in ancient metal detection expert Peter meyers came to Beijing three times in two years, the figure of Buddha of 29 gold Li Wei collection on the drilling sampling, then sent to the virtues such as six of the world's best laboratory to check the comparison, also bring up the British museum collection of a rare Ming dynasty yongle casting gold copper Buddha ingredients and recipes comparison, discovered the 29 statue of Buddha were cast by the Ming dynasty yongle dynasty tribute. Mr Myers wrote for each piece of gold Buddha, test report and write such a words: "this is the world the most beautiful and precious gold copper Buddha, can be retained in China, really lucky!" 美国大都会艺术博物馆古代金属检测专家皮特梅尔斯对佛像进行钻孔检测。 Peter myers, an ancient metal expert at the metropolitan museum of art, has drilled the Buddha. 美国哈佛大学藏学家范德康、德国波恩大学汉学家史卫邻等专家也参与鉴定。 Experts such as vanderkang, a scholar at Harvard University in the United States and a professor of Chinese studies at the university of Bonn in Germany, have also been involved in the identification. 李巍先生后来带着这本《汉藏交融——金铜佛像集萃》来到东京我的办公室,亲自赠送了给我。 Later, Mr. Li wei came to my office in Tokyo with this book, "the collection of bronze buddhas of han and Tibetan", and presented it to me personally. 再后来的故事,就是在2015年,李巍先生抵制了文物贩卖者们的重金诱惑,将五百多尊元明清金铜佛像和佛饰法器,一次性无偿捐赠给了普陀山佛教协会。因为他相信,只有把这些珍贵的佛像奉赠给佛界,才会得到最好的保护。确实,普陀山佛教协会已经在普陀山对面的朱家尖岛上,投资数十亿元兴建规模宏大的“观音法界”,这500多尊佛像将在“观音法界”内建设专门的场馆永久性收藏。 Later in the story, in 2015, Mr Li Wei boycotted the relics sold are heavily temptation, to more than five hundred yuan Ming gold copper Buddha and the Buddha multiplier, one-time donated free of charge to the buddhist association of mount putuo. Because he believed that the best protection would be given to the Buddha only by giving them to Buddha. Indeed, the buddhist association of mount putuo has across the mount putuo zhujiajian tip of the island, the investment of billions of dollars to build a large-scale "guanyin", this statue of Buddha will be in more than 500 "avalokitesvara" construction in special venue permanent collection. 中国佛教协会副会长、普陀山大和尚道慈在受赠仪式上几度落泪,他说,仅仅用“功德无量”来称颂李巍先生的大德,已经不足。这500多尊佛像既是普陀山的镇山之宝,又是中国佛教文化的瑰宝,价值无法估量。我们只有永久供奉,才能报答李巍先生的一生善举。为感谢李巍先生,舟山市人民政府授予他“舟山市荣誉市民”称号。 The vice President of the buddhist association of China, putuo shan, a buddhist monk, wept at the receiving ceremony, saying that it was not enough to praise Mr. Li wei's great virtues with "no amount of merit". The 500 buddhas are the treasure of mount putuo and the treasure of Chinese buddhist culture. We only have a permanent offer to repay Mr. Li wei's good life. To thank Mr. Li wei, the people's government of zhoushan awarded him the title "honorary citizen of zhoushan city". 中国佛教协会副会长、普陀山佛教协会会长道慈法师 The vice President of the buddhist association of China and the President of the buddhist association of putuo mountain 开幕式上,浙江省副省长孙景淼(中)、舟山市委宣传部长忻海平、浙江省文化厅长金兴盛等与李巍先生留影。 During the opening ceremony, sun jingmiao, deputy governor of zhejiang province, and xin haiping, the publicity minister of zhoushan municipal party committee, and jin flourishing, the cultural director of zhejiang province, and Mr. Li wei. 8月18日,《汉风藏韵——中国古代金铜佛像艺术特展》在浙江美术馆隆重开幕,这一次展览,共展出了李巍先生收藏的118件元明清金铜佛像和法器。我在开幕式上,见到了故宫博物院前院长郑欣淼、中国国家博物馆副馆长陈履生、故宫博物院明清宫廷技艺研究所所长陈丽华等一批著名的专家。 August 18, han feng hidden rhyme, Chinese ancient gold copper Buddha art exhibition "in the grand opening of zhejiang art museum, the exhibition, 118 display a collection of Mr Li Wei sui gold copper Buddha and multiplier. I saw the Palace Museum at the opening ceremony, former dean of zheng xinmiao, deputy director of the national museum of China, Chen lusheng, director of the institute, the national Palace Museum Ming and qing imperial court Chen a batch of famous experts, etc. 浙江美术馆展出的元明清金铜佛像 An exhibition of the yuan Ming and qing bronze Buddha statues on display in zhejiang art museum 在当天下午举行的学术讨论会上,我请教了故宫博物院金铜佛像鉴定专家王家鹏先生一个问题:“这些佛像的价值如何?”他告诉我,自己跟踪李巍先生的收藏佛像已经许多年,几乎鉴定过他所有收藏的佛像,像这么多数量和艺术如此精湛的元明清金铜佛像,在我们故宫博物院里也没有,这是十分珍贵的文化遗产,是中国造像艺术史上登峰造极的珍品。 At the academic seminar held in the afternoon, I asked Mr. Wang jiapeng, an expert of the gold and bronze Buddha statue of the Palace Museum, a question: "what are the value of these buddhas?" He told me that Mr Tracking Li Wei collection of Buddha has for many years, almost all appraisal of his collection of figure of Buddha, like so many number and art so exquisite sui gold copper Buddha, in the Palace Museum we also have no, this is very precious cultural heritage, is China's sculpture art history at the treasures. 中国人民大学国学院汉藏佛学研究中心主任沈卫荣教授也告诉我,中国许多古代的金铜佛像依赖于文物出土,但是,李巍先生收集的佛像,大多是明清时期朝廷赐给甘青和西藏地区藏传佛教各派高僧的御品,所以保存完好,品相也极为精致,实为难得。 China people's university school of han and Tibetan Buddhism research center director professor wei-rong shen also told me that many of China's ancient gold copper Buddha depends on the cultural relics unearthed, however, Mr Li Wei collection of figure of Buddha, mostly give qinghai and Tibet region during the Ming and qing dynasties imperial factions of Tibetan Buddhism monk commodities, so well preserved, appearance is very delicate, it is rare. 旅居香港的文化大师饶宗颐先生对于前去咨询的学者说过这么一段话:如果有人想仿这些佛像的话,不仅需要当时的材质和配方,更需要汉藏佛学的专业知识和对当时宫廷佛像造型的完整研究,这是一个相当复杂的系统工程,除非是天才,否则无人能仿。 Living in the culture of Hong Kong master Mr Jao tsung-i for forward consulting scholars said so a words: if someone wants to copy the figure of Buddha, not only need the material and formula, more in need of the professional knowledge of the han and Tibetan Buddhism and the complete study of modelling at palace figure of Buddha, this is a very complicated system engineering, unless you are a genius, otherwise no one can copy. 我和李巍先生的儿子(中,毫不犹豫支持父亲捐赠佛像)与孙副省长合影。 I and Mr. Li wei's son (no hesitation in supporting my father's donation of the Buddha) have a picture with vice governor sun. 我参加完开幕式后,第二天就离开了杭州。这几天,网上有文章指称浙江美术馆展出的这一些金铜佛像是赝品的堆积,我觉得这一种指责不仅有欠公允,同时也是对李巍先生耗尽几十年心血来保护这一些珍贵佛像的品格的玷污。 After I attended the opening ceremony, I left hangzhou the next day. These days, there are articles that zhejiang gallery of the accumulation of some gold copper Buddha is a fake, I think this is a kind of criticism is not only unfair, but also to Mr Li Wei depleted decades of efforts to protect this precious of Buddha's character. 我不是金铜佛像专家,但是,接触了这么多中国和世界一流的专家对于这一批文物的科学鉴定与专业评价,我觉得有必要写这一篇文章,告诉大家:这些展出的佛像都是中国罕见的佛教艺术宝物,值得去浙江美术馆看一看! I'm not a gold copper Buddha experts, however, so much contact with China and the world first-class experts for the science appraisal and evaluation of a batch of cultural relics, I think it is necessary to write this article, tell everyone: the display of figure of Buddha is a rare treasure of buddhist art in China, is worth to take a look at zhejiang art museum! |
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