铜香炉历史上的三大劫难 |
添加时间:2018/12/3 15:11:07 浏览次数: |
According to historical records, declared three years, imperial decree
cast copper furnace, a total of ten thousand pieces of 8000, now
unexpectedly lost almost untraceable, even Taiwan's the Imperial Palace
Museum, is a collection of four seats. In fact, at that time, in
addition to Xuan furnace for the queen, is also used to give the kings,
ministers and Beijing in the suburban altar, even around the famous
temple, was very widely distributed, but in the change dynasties
occasion, many (including Xuan furnace furnace and furnace after the
fake private money), not only lost, even since the destruction, Xuan
furnace has become a goodly treasure, after the imitation of furnace,
furnace also precious private money. The reason is that Xuan kiln
suffered a lot of disasters in just four hundred or five hundred years.一、崇祯铸钱 A, Chongzhen casting money 崇祯是明朝最后一朝,内优外患,连年战争,国库空虚,崇祯曾将内府库藏的历代各种铜器,全数发给宝源局,拿去熔铸钱币,其中包括上古三代及宣德年间的铜器。 The last is the Ming Dynasty Chongzhen Dynasty, internal and external problems, after years of war, the national treasury, will house the Treasury has Chongzhen the variety of bronze, lump Schroder Bureau, to cast coins, including three generations of the ancient and the Xuande bronze. 二、咸丰铸钱 Two, Xianfeng cast money 清代咸丰年,亦是内忧外患,连年战争,国库空虚,为了发行钱币,不惜把皇宫、内廷保存的各种铜器(包括皇室历代旧藏的铜炉、薰炉、铜龟鹤等)毁掉用以铸钱。 The Qing Dynasty Xianfeng years, is also the year of war, the domestic trouble and foreign invasion, empty, to issue coins, at the palace Neiting, various bronze preserved (including the Royal dynasties old Tibet copper furnace, furnace, and bronze turtle crane destroyed with the cast money). 三、抗日战争时期 Three, during the war of resistance against Japan 日本人做枪炮缺乏铜料。于是在我国各地搜集铜器,熔化后改做枪炮。如北京大慧寺内正殿原有高达十几米的铜观音像,在民国时期被日本人毁掉,换成了木制观音像即是一例。 The Japanese made guns and lacked copper. So in all parts of our country to collect bronze, melting to make guns. Such as Beijing Dahui Temple main hall of the original copper up to 10 meters of the concept of audio-visual, during the period of the Republic of Japanese was destroyed, replaced by wooden Avalokitesvara is one example. 四、民间所藏铜炉的三次大劫难 Four, the three catastrophe of the copper stove hidden by the folk 第一次是在1950~1953年抗美援朝时,战争需要大量的枪炮弹药,便发动民间收集“旧铜”,从各地所收集来的旧铜器中,自然有不少的铜炉。 For the first time during the 1950~1953 years of the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea, the war required a large number of guns and ammunition, and then launched a civil collection of "old copper", from the collection of old bronzes from all over the region, naturally there are many copper furnace. 第二次,1958年大跃进大炼钢铁时,全民征集铜铁,老百姓家里的铜器,如铜盆、铜锅、铜勺、铜炉等都贡献出来了。 Second, 1958 great leap forward of iron and steel, a collection of copper and iron, bronze people home, such as copper, copper pot, copper pot, copper spoon oven, with out. 第三次,是在1966~1976年的文化大革命中,各种古旧铜器,包括铜炉,自然作为迷信品“破四旧”被收集到铜材厂熔掉。虽然后来经文物部门拣选出不少,但已被熔化的自然也不在少数。这是建国后三次铜炉大劫难。 The third time, in the 1966~1976 year's "Cultural Revolution", a variety of ancient bronzes, including copper furnace, naturally as a superstition, "broken four old" was collected to copper factory melting. Although later selected by the Department of cultural relics many, but has been melting of nature is not in the minority. This is the three copper furnace catastrophe after the founding of the people's Republic of china. 五、销洋庄 Five, sell foreign Village 几十年来东西方的海外买家都大谈考古学,争相购买明清铜炉,然而有些人只会要求铜质精美,却不懂欣赏皮色的美丽,一些商人为了迎合买家,竟把旧炉磨成崭新的炉,破坏了不少好炉子。 For decades, the East and the West are overseas buyers eager to buy about archaeology, Ming and Qing Dynasties copper furnace, but some people will only require fine copper but do not understand, appreciate the beauty of color, some businessmen in order to cater to buyers, he put the old furnace into new furnace, a lot of damage to the furnace. 六、敷色 Six. Apply color 有些玩家专门讲究炉色的绚烂,于是一些商人又将色皮剥蚀晦暗的旧炉,重新敷上色皮,破坏了原炉的美。 Some players pay special attention to the color of the furnace, so some businessmen will color the skin, corrosion, dull old furnace, re apply color skin, and destroy the beauty of the original furnace. 七、凿底 Seven, chisel bottom 有些好炉,往往厚重,一些世俗的人怀疑是纯金铸造,就凿底部来化验,破坏了炉。或有部分铜炉的炉身镀了数量相当可观的黄金,人为地“杀鸡取卵”。 Some good stoves are often heavy and some secular people suspect that they are pure gold casting, they will chisel the bottom to test and destroy the furnace. Or there is some copper furnace stack with a considerable amount of gold, artificially banded". 正因为明清铜炉历史上经历诸多劫难,损失惨重,造成今日真宣德炉已成凤毛麟角,后仿炉和私款炉亦成为珍罕的历史文物。 Because of a lot of experience the disaster, Ming and Qing Dynasties copper furnace history suffered heavy losses, which has become very rare today really Xuande furnace, furnace and furnace after the imitation of private money has become a rare historical relics. 明清私款铜炉鉴赏 Appreciation of private copper stove in Ming and Qing Dynasties 私款即指私家铸款,是当时官宦人家或富人自用的款识。此种铜炉一般是孤品,亦有后仿。 Private money refers to private cast, was the families of officials or the rich own style. The copper stove is generally solitary, also after imitation. |
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