非物质文化遗产:铜香炉铸造技艺 |
添加时间:2017/9/4 8:04:57 浏览次数: |
铜香炉是一种用铜材制作的焚香用具,在我国有着悠久的历史,从春秋战国到明宣德年间,历代皆有铸造,尤其以明宣德年间制作的“宣德炉”最为世人所推崇。据记载,宣德皇帝在位时,命宫廷御匠参照皇家内藏的定、汝、官、哥、均等名窑瓷器的款式,以及《宣和博古图录》《考古图》等史籍,设计制造香炉,工匠们挑选了金银等几十种贵金属与红铜一起精心铸炼,所制成的成品色泽温润莹丽,其工艺之华美精妙惹来赞叹无数,以致后世常以“宣德炉”来指代铜香炉,可谓开近现代铜炉铸造之先河。 Copper incense burner is a made of copper incense equipment, has a long history in our country, from the spring and autumn period and the warring states period to the Ming xuande emperor, all previous dynasties are casting, especially in the Ming xuande emperor "jintong furnace" produced by the people all around the world's most admired. According to the record, the reign of emperor xuande, life of imperial artisan in reference to the royal palace, you equal, officer, elder brother, the style of ancient jun porcelain, and broadcasting the information antique focus, "such as through the archaeological figure, design and manufacture of incense burner, craftsmen were picked out the dozens of precious metals such as gold and silver and red copper carefully cast together, made finished WenRunYing beautiful color, its craft fine to admire the beauty of numerous, so that future generations often to" jintong furnace "to refer to a copper incense burner, it is the first modern casting copper furnace. 自宣德年间利用那批红铜料铸造出了三千座香炉后,宫中再无出品,宣德炉也成了皇室秘藏,世人难得一见。念想之下,仿制品应运而生,工艺水平有高有低、参差不齐。时光荏苒,到了近代,原清廷内务府造办处的一位工匠走出紫禁城,在前门外开设了一家古铜作坊,专以修复铜器、金银器等为业,人称“歪嘴于”,得益于他的传播,高超精妙的铜器铸造、修复技艺从深宫大院走向市井平民。“歪嘴于”去世后,其技术、字号等皆由弟子张泰恩继承,而张泰恩的弟子王德山又在前人的基础上大胆创新,发明了“漆地磨光”“点土喷锈”等技法,将铜器铸造、修复技艺提升至新高度。 From the time of xuandede's use of that batch of red copper to cast 3,000 censers, the palace is not produced, xuande furnace also became a royal secret, the world is rarely seen. Under the thought, the imitations came into being, and the technological level was very low and uneven. Time flies, in the modern times, the original qing in the office office created a craftsman came out of the Forbidden City, outside the front door opened a bronze workshops, designed to repair the copper, treasure, said "bad mouth", thanks to him, the spread of highly sophisticated bronze casting, repair skill from the palace courtyard to the ordinary civilians. "Crooked mouth died in", its technology, size, etc. All succeeded by disciple lines well, and the disciple de-shan wang lines well is not in our predecessors on the basis of bold innovation, invented the "lacquer polishing" "point soil sprayed rust" techniques, such as the bronze casting, repair skills to new heights. 上海博物馆的王荣达先生是著名的青铜器修复专家,即出自王德山门下,在从北京荣宝斋转到上海博物馆工作后,将本派的铜香炉铸造技艺也从北方带到上海,并收了顾友楚先生为徒,在他的悉心指导下,顾友楚也成为著名的古铜器鉴定和修复专家。 Mr Wang Rongda of Shanghai museum is the famous ancient bronze repair experts, namely from Wang De under the gate, after a: rongbaozhai from Beijing to Shanghai museum work, will this pie copper censer casting skills from the north to Shanghai, and accepted Mr Gu Youchu ACTS, under his guidance, Gu Youchu also become famous ancient bronze identify and repair expert. 近来,上海市政府公布了第五批上海市非物质文化遗产代表性项目名录,其中单大禹先生申报的传统铜香炉铸造技艺便显赫在列,其展出的流金三色钵炉、九龙筒式炉、海兽纹马槽炉、切角琴炉等八件作品更因铸造精妙、技艺高超而被上海历史博物馆无偿征集,收作馆藏。一位曾经做过瓦匠、木工的普通人如何走上铜炉的收藏与制作之路,还取得如此大的成就,成为全国同行中的翘楚?一切还要从单大禹拜顾友楚先生为师说起。 Recently, the Shanghai municipal government announced the fifth batch of non-material cultural heritage list of representative projects in Shanghai, the traditional single dayu Mr Declare copper censer casting technique was prominent in the column, the display of three color bowl drum type furnace, furnace, Kowloon sea grain manger furnace, corner cut jean furnace etc. Eight pieces more for casting subtlety, skilled Shanghai history museum for free of charge, charge collection. How did a man who once worked as a bricklayer and a carpenter go to the collection and production of a copper stove, and achieved such a great achievement that he became the leader of his country? All the other things should start with Mr. Yu bai-yu-chu. 上世纪九十年代,为了修复铜香炉,经人介绍后,单大禹有幸成为顾友楚先生的入室弟子。入门后,师傅叮嘱他制作铜香炉需要认真构思,灵感来时必须记录;融化铜材时要注意温度掌握、一次平均浇铸……如此种种,在师傅言传身教和自己刻苦钻研的基础上,单大禹不负师门,不但学有所成,还将原先“古铜张”派业已形成的特长技艺——对铜香炉的氧化处理发扬光大、更上层楼。他不但复原了仅见于史料记载或存世古物上的几种颜色,还能独辟蹊径,实现了不少罕有人及的突破。 In the 1990s, in order to repair the copper incense burner, mondayu had the privilege of being a disciple of Mr. Gu youchu. After the introduction, the master told him to make a copper censer to be carefully conceived and must be recorded when he was inspired. When you melt copper, pay attention to the temperature and the average casting... All this in teacher kirka and myself assiduously, on the basis of single dayu not his legacy, not only have learned something, will also be "bronze" send original has formed special skills - oxidation treatment of copper censer carry forward, more of the upper floor. Not only did he recover some of the colors of historical records or ancient objects, but he also found a new way to achieve a lot of rare breakthroughs. 比如在一件铜器的表面进行分块单独氧化,使得单件铜器表面呈现多种不同的氧化色,美轮美奂、妙不可言。此等技艺说起来简单,操作起来便知难度何其之高。氧化时温度的高低平衡、配料里各成分的比例协调……一个细枝末节的小小因素就可能轻易毁掉一件付出无数心血的作品,没有长久的操作实践经验以及对铜材、配料等特性相当的了解程度和极高的悟性,是很难实现“天时地利人和”的境界、成功铸造出一件堪称完美的作品的。其捐赠给上海历史博物馆的五牛图鼓式炉便是例证之一(五牛分做五个氧化色),遗憾的是未能得见,暂且以此座三虎鼓式铜香炉聊慰赏玩之情。 For example, the surface of a copper piece is divided separately and oxidized separately, making the surface of a single piece of copper a variety of different oxidation colors, beautiful and wonderful. This technique is easy to say, and it is difficult to understand how difficult it is. The high and low temperature of oxidation and the proportion of ingredients in the ingredients coordinate... A details small factors can easily ruin a pay a lots of work effort, not long-term operating practice experience and understanding of the character such as copper, ingredients fairly high degree and understanding, it is difficult to realize "the right place, right time and", successfully casting out a perfect work. Their donations to the Shanghai history museum five NiuTu drum type furnace is one example (WuNiu do five oxidation color), it is a pity not to see, for a moment to three tiger drum bronze incense burner about enjoying the feeling of comfort. 该炉按宣德炉的工艺铸造,在传统的基础上,又力求创新。炉身呈鼓式,炉口与炉底皆有一圈钉纹,寓意蒙皮鼓上将皮固定于鼓身的钉子。因为制作于虎年,于是炉身上极为应景地浅浮雕了三只老虎,一大两小,分列两侧。为了更好地呈现画者的笔法、意境,在雕刻老虎时,单大禹刻意收敛心神,不让自己的心思代替画者的想法,力求如实传神,而因为浅浮雕雕刻较浅,又为铸造工作平添难度。几经折腾后,香炉终于成形,然而工作并未完结,尚需对炉身作精细打磨,这也不是一桩简单活儿,不是费些体力就行的,因为铜材会反光,常常晃得人看不清纹饰、颜色,稍有不慎便处理失当,也需要大量经验与技巧积累方可顺利完成。 The furnace is based on the process of xuande furnace, and on the basis of tradition, it also strives for innovation. The furnace has a drum pattern, the furnace mouth and the bottom of the furnace have a ring of nails, the meaning of the skin of the leather drum fixed on the drum nails. Because it was made in the year of the tiger, three tigers were carved into the furnace, two small and two small. In order to render ICONS brushwork, artistic conception, in carving the tiger, the single dayu convergence mind, deliberately don't allow my idea to replace ICONS idea, strive to truthfully vivid, and because of bas-relief carving a shallow, and add the difficulty for casting work. For several times, the incense burner, finally forming work does not end, however, still need to fine grinding of furnace body, and this is not a simple work, not for some physical strength, because the copper will be reflective, often shakes person can't see grain, color, mismanaged carelessly a bit, also need a lot of experience and skill accumulation can complete smoothly. 将此器置于日光之下,鎏金的老虎熠熠发光、威风凛凛,映衬得微鼓的炉身更显稳重、深沉。窥一斑而知全豹,单大禹先生在传统铜香炉铸造技艺方面的造诣可以想见。 Put this device under the sun, the golden tiger is shining, majestic, the furnace with the micro drum is more stable and deep. It is a good idea to see the whole leopard, and Mr. Yu's accomplishments can be seen in traditional copper censers. |
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