宫廷铜香炉 |
添加时间:2017/9/5 9:41:54 浏览次数: |
铜香炉即是铜做的焚香器具。 That is made of copper copper incense incense appliance. 铜香炉虽然质地相同但是不同时代的能工巧匠们却把他们做成了作成种种形式。 Although the same texture but different copper incense burner in the era of skilled craftsmen were they made into various forms. 铜香炉用途亦有多种﹐有熏衣铜香炉﹑或陈设铜香炉﹑或敬神供佛铜香炉。 There are many uses of copper incense burner, a lavender copper incense burner, or furnishings or worship for Buddha, incense copper copper incense burner. 明代宣德皇帝在位时,为满足玩赏香炉的嗜好,责成宫廷御匠参照皇府内藏的定、汝、官、哥、均等名窑瓷器的款式,以及《宣和博古图录》、《考古图》等史籍,设计和监制香炉。 The Ming Dynasty Xuande reign of emperor, in order to meet the pet incense hobby, instructed the imperial carpenter Huang Fu in the reference set, Ru, officer, brother, equal kilns porcelain style, as well as the "sun and catalogue", "antique archaeological map" and other historical records, supervised the design and incense. 为保证香炉的质量,工艺师挑选了金、银等几十种贵重金属,与红铜一起经过十多次的精心铸炼,成品后的铜香炉色泽晶莹而温润,实在是明代工艺品中的珍品,宣德炉的铸造成功,开了后世铜炉的先河,在很长一段历史中,宣德炉成为铜香炉的通称。 In order to ensure the quality of incense craftsmen, choose gold and silver and other dozens of precious metals, with copper with carefully cast more than 10 times, finished bronze censer and crystal and jade, is the Ming Dynasty handicraft treasures, casting of furnace, opened later in a copper furnace precedent. A long history, has become known as the copper incense burner furnace. 宣德三年利用这批红铜开炉共铸造出了三千座香炉,以后再也没有出品,这些宣德炉都深藏禁宫之内,普通百姓只能知其名而未见其形。经过数百年的风风雨雨,真正宣德三年铸造的铜香炉极为罕见。 The use of these three years declared in three thousand out of the total copper casting a censer, never produced, these are hidden within the Forbidden Palace Xuande furnace, ordinary people can only know its name but not the. After hundreds of years of groundless talk, really three years Xuan cast bronze censer is extremely rare. 铜香炉的历史劫难: The historical disaster of copper incense burner: 据历史记载,宣德三年,皇帝下旨铸铜炉,合计一万八千余件,现竟然失落得几乎无迹可寻,就连台湾的故宫博物院,也仅收藏了四座。 According to historical records, declared three years, imperial decree cast copper furnace, a total of ten thousand pieces of 8000, now unexpectedly lost almost untraceable, even Taiwan's the Imperial Palace Museum, is a collection of four seats. 其实,当时宣炉除了供御用外,也用来分赐给诸王、臣下及京内各郊祭坛,甚至于各地的闻名寺院,分布得非常广泛,然而在改朝换代之际,许多宣炉(包括后仿炉和私款炉),不但失散了,甚至于销毁,至今宣炉已成为可遇不可求的珍品,后仿炉、私款炉亦珍贵。 In fact, at that time, in addition to Xuan furnace for the queen, is also used to give the kings, ministers and Beijing in the suburban altar, even around the famous temple, was very widely distributed, but in the change dynasties occasion, many (including Xuan furnace furnace and furnace after the fake private money), not only lost, even since the destruction, Xuan furnace has become a goodly treasure, after the imitation of furnace, furnace also precious private money. 原因是宣炉在短短的四五百年间遭到了多种劫难。 The reason is that Xuan kiln suffered a lot of disasters in just four hundred or five hundred years. |
上一页 铜香炉历史上的三大劫难 |
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