铜鼎,反映中山国政治的出土器物,有“刻铭铁足铜鼎”、“夔龙纹铜方壶”、“铜圆壶”等,三件重器分别刻有469字、450字和204字铭文,为研究中山世系和中山国的重大历史事件,提供了极其珍贵的史料。“刻铭铁足铜鼎”又称王鼎,王即位十四年时(公元前314年或公元前313年)采用分铸工艺制作而成。通高51.5厘米,腹径65.8厘米。盖钮与腹足部之间刻铭文77行469字,是我国迄今发现的战国时期字数最多的一篇铭文。从这座铜鼎以及“夔龙纹铜方壶”、“铜圆壶”的铭文中,可以大致推出王及其前后的中山国诸公的在位年代。 Bronze dings, reflecting the politics of the kingdom zhong shan unearthed artifacts, there are the "iron foot bronze dings engraved inscription", "dragon grain copper" penghu-glance, "" copper round pot", etc., 469, 450 words three that are engraved with inscriptions, and 204 words for the study of sun yat-sen lineage and zhongshan major historical events, provided the extremely valuable historical materials. It was also known as wang ding, which was made from the casting process (314 BC or 313 BC). It is 51.5 cm high and 65.8 cm in abdomen. The inscription of 469 words between the button and the abdominal foot is the most common inscription found in the warring states period so far. From this copper tripod and "kuang long grain copper kettle" and "copper round pot", can roughly introduce wang and the period of the reign of sun yat-sen before and after. 现代铜鼎 Modern bronze dings 现代铜鼎本以仿古居多,围绕鼎的自身意义在演变,大胆创新,造型新颖,比例协调大方,比起古代鼎,添加了一份活力,加浓了些色调,更加象征着城市的文化底蕴。从古至今铜鼎陪伴我们已经走过3000多年了,位置已在不断的发生改变,从炊器到权利的象征,到如今的广泛应用,成为公司信誉,能力的标志。公司开业,企业上市的最佳礼品。起代表性的如“中华世纪鼎”、“和谐鼎”、“昌盛鼎”等。铜鼎已经汇入了主流生活,为建设和谐,昌盛的社会做出了杰出的贡献。 Modern this majority with antique bronze dings, around the tripod in evolution of its meaning, bold innovation, modelling is novel, proportion and generous, compared with ancient bronze tripod, added a vitality, add some color, more a symbol of the culture of the city. Ancient bronze dings with us for more than 3000 years have passed, the position has been in constant change, from cook to rights, the symbol of the widely used nowadays, the company credibility, a sign of ability. The company's opening, the best present for the listing. Representative such as "Chinese century tripod", "harmonious tripod", "prosperous ding", etc. Tongding has entered the mainstream life and has made outstanding contributions to the construction of harmonious and prosperous society. 中国最大的铜鼎 China's largest copper tripod 中国最大青铜器司母戊鼎 The largest bronze ware in China, si mu wu ding 司母戊鼎器形庞大浑厚,是中国目前已发现的最重的青铜器,其腹部铸有“司(后)母戊”3字;是商王祖庚或祖甲为祭祀其母所铸。司母戊鼎的鼎身和鼎足为整体铸成,鼎耳是在鼎身铸好后再装范浇铸的。铸造这样高大的铜器,所需金属料当在1000千克以上,且必须有较大的熔炉。经测定,司母戊鼎含铜84.77%、锡11.64%、铅27.9%,与古文献记载制鼎的铜锡比例基本相符。司母戊鼎充分显示出商代青铜铸造业的生产规模和技术水平。 It is the heaviest bronze ware found in China, and its abdomen is made up of "si (after) mother penta". It was the king's father or father a who sacrificed his mother. The tripod of the smother and the tripod are cast in the whole, the tripod is cast in the body after the ding is cast. For such a tall bronze, the metal needed for the metal should be more than 1000 kg, and it must have a large furnace. According to the test, the proportion of si mu wu ding containing copper 84.77%, tin 11.64% and lead 27.9% was basically in line with the cu tin proportion of the ancient documents. The production scale and technical level of the bronze casting industry of shang dynasty are fully displayed.