Identification of copper tripod
For identifying the shapes of similar objects, even if the same type of bronze ware appears at different times, the shapes also vary greatly. This is also an important basis for judging the age and authenticity of the objects. There are several ways to fake the bronze ware as follows:
①全器均系伪器②器真铭文伪③器真纹饰伪④器真铭文、纹饰皆伪⑤铭文真器伪⑥器身有真有伪⑦一件器物由两件或 3件真器部分残片拼凑而成⑧器身真,但附件(盖、提梁等)伪等。这些需要我们从器物类别特征、年代、时代风格等不同方面进行综合分析。
(1) All the objects are pseudo-artifacts; (2) genuine inscriptions; (3) genuine ornaments; (4) genuine inscriptions; (3) genuine inscriptions; (3) genuine inscriptions; (3) genuine and fake inscriptions; (3) genuine and fake objects; (3) a piece of artifact made up of two or three fragments of genuine artifacts; (3) genuine artifacts, but the accessories (cover, girder, etc.) These require us to make a comprehensive analysis from different aspects such as the category characteristics, age and style of the utensils.